Why External Links Matter for Your Business

linked chains are important, like building external links matter

External links, or linking to other websites, are an important component of a well-rounded website. While some may believe that linking to external sources may lead to a loss of traffic, it can actually be incredibly beneficial for a variety of reasons. In this blog post, we will discuss why external linking is important and how it can positively impact a website.

So what are external links?

Before delving into the benefits of external linking, it’s important to understand what it is. An external link is a hyperlink that directs a user to a different website than the one they are currently visiting. These links are often referred to as outbound links, and they are a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO).

External links can provide several benefits, including helping to establish your website as an authoritative source of information, increasing traffic to your website, and improving your website’s search engine ranking. For example, if a blog post discusses the benefits of a certain product, an external link might be included that directs the user to the product’s official website. External linking can be done in various forms, including text links, images, and buttons. Another way you can use external links is to encourage users to connect with a brand’s social media accounts by linking to those different platforms.

Why are external links important?

Now that we understand what external linking is, let’s discuss why it’s important for a website.


First and foremost, external linking can help to establish credibility and authority for a website. When a website links to another website, it indicates to search engines that the content on the linked website is valuable and trustworthy. As a result, search engines may view the website that includes the link as more authoritative and trustworthy as well. This can lead to improved search engine rankings, increased visibility for the website., and also increase the likelihood that users will find your website when searching for related keywords.


In addition to improving search engine rankings, external linking can also help to increase traffic to a website. When a website links to another website, it’s possible that the linked website may link back to the original website (but this doesn’t always happen). This can create a backlink, which is a hyperlink that directs users back to the original website. Backlinks are important because they can help to drive traffic to a website. If a user finds the content on the linked website valuable, they may click on the backlink to learn more about the original website and explore the information found there; if they find the information relevant and helpful, they can potentially become a regular visitor. This increased traffic can lead to higher engagement rates, more social media shares, and ultimately more conversions and sales for your business.


Another benefit of external linking is that it can help to establish relationships with other websites and bloggers. When a website links to another website, it’s possible that the owner of the linked website will notice the link and check out the original website. This can lead to networking opportunities and potential collaborations. For example, a blogger may notice that a website has linked to their blog post and reach out to the website owner to see if they would be interested in collaborating on a future project.

Additionally, if your website reaches a high rank for certain keywords or rank within google, other companies might reach out to you to pay for a sponsored external link (meaning that you’d link to that company in exchange for monetary compensation, usually for a certain time period), which could potentially mean additional income opportunities.


External linking can also improve the user experience of a website. I mentioned this a little above, but when a website links to other valuable resources, it can provide users with additional information that they may find useful. This can help to keep users on a website for longer periods of time and increase engagement with the content. Additionally, if a website is able to provide users with valuable external links, it can help to establish the website as a go-to resource for information on a particular topic.

An Important Note About External Links

While there are many benefits to external linking, it’s important to note that not all external links are created equal. When including external links on a website, it’s important to make sure that the links are relevant to the content and provide value to the user. Including too many irrelevant links or links that lead to low-quality websites can actually have a negative impact on a website’s search engine rankings.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the links are up-to-date and working properly. Broken links can negatively impact the user experience and lead to frustration for users. It’s a good idea to periodically check all external links on a website to ensure that they are still relevant and functioning properly. This can usually be done through a plug-in or a site audit.


In conclusion, external linking is an important component of a successful website. It can help to establish credibility and authority, improve search engine rankings, increase traffic, establish relationships with other websites and bloggers, and improve the user experience. When including external links on a website, it’s important to make sure that the links are relevant and provide value to the user. By doing so, a website can reap the benefits that come with creating a community within a niche while also being seen as a helpful resource within your potential customer base.

Let’s Connect!

Want to know more about external link building, where to start, or even more about SEO (in addition to a ton of other information)? Check out our blogs – it’s constantly being updated with new information to help you and your business out when it comes to digital marketing. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramTikTok, and YouTube for additional tips and tutorials!

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